Friday, June 10, 2016

Put Me On Pause

I have the moon by the neck.
I see the ocean of lights we call a city.
I wish I could touch the water.
I wish I could surf the tallest of waves.
I didn't feel infinite.
I felt like god pressed pause.
Just for a moment.
For a moment to happen.
I would like to say I felt relaxed.
That I had a breath of fresh air.
But there is always a number of thoughts in my head,
As there is stars in the sky.
I thought about being on a ship.
Having my last glimpse of life be the stars,
And the distorted light of the underwater ship.
I've felt a lot lately that I'm sinking into beauty.
And this moment captured it all.
But soon enough I fly.
I'll take my childhood as a blanket and sore.
And know.
...would you drown in the beauty with me as we play with the strings of our hearts...?

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