Thursday, June 2, 2016


"Arcadia was a rural region of Ancient Greece, whose inhabitants - chiefly shepherds and farmers - were seen as living quiet, idyllic life away from the hustle and bustle of nearby Athens."

This describes what I want my life to be like. I want to be submerged in culture, but not enough to be clouded from the world. Though no matter what I learn I want to always keep my opinion in mind. Who I am.

The phrase et in Arcadia ego means "even in Arcadia, here I am."

This is my quest to find my Arcadia. To find me.

So hello world,

Here I am.

High school graduate. Confused teenager. Not going to college next year because I want to discover happiness first. Dreamer. Girlfriend. Best friend. But really right now I should just be alone. I need to be alone. 

Am I a bitch? Am I a lover? Do I take what i'm given and give back what I take from the world? Am I a leader? Am I a wanderer?

I. Do. Not. Know.

But I intend to find out in this new era.

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